

Common Name: Talja (tall - eyuh) (In Game: Talja Hyskaris)
Age: Appears to be in her 20's
Race: Viera - Rava
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Naturally deep red. Sometimes dyed other colors.
Height: 6 Fulms
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon


✧ Sorcery (aetherial manipulation) ✧ Tracking ✧ Hunting ✧ Herbalism

Weapons of Choice

✧ Rapier ✧ Chakrams ✧ Knives/Daggers (on occasion)


Talja has an air of both wild ferocity and luxurious decadence about her. Her clothes are often high quality and she is always well groomed. She usually wears light and subtle make-ups that enhance the exotic tilt to her eyes. The scent she favors most is a delicate orchid and lily mixture. On special occasions, she will wear an exotic Campanula mixture that she says reminds her of home.


Talja is respectful and polite to those she comes across in her journeys and her natural curiosity means she can often be found learning about others and their culture. Though friendly, there are times when she can seem rather aloof. While usually open with tales of her adventures, she does not talk of Golmore Jungle or why she left.To those that know her well, she is a sassy and genuine Rava whose intuition, loyalty, and compassion can always be counted upon. Those that cross her see a less civilized, more unpredictable version. The confidence she has in her own skin and her abilities shines through in both social and combat situations.She has a fondness for Thavnairian Silks, the Sea-Shanties of Limsa, the spicy foods of Ul'Dah, well made weapons, and libraries of any kind.

Tribal Viera - Perhaps you're someone from her past or from her Village that wants to catch up or tell stories of your adventures in Etheirys?Huntress/Tracker - In the handful of years that Talja has traveled outside her home, she has made a name for herself with the Adventurer's Guild as a talented Tracker and Huntress. Maybe you've heard of her or are in need of her services?Bounty Hunter: Talja, often with the help of Valjr will take on bounties that are just a little too nasty for the average adventurer. Got a problem that needs taken care of?Mist (Aether) Sensitivity - As is common amongst Viera, Talja is has an unusual sensitity to Aether - what her people call Mist. She also has a rather unusual talent for manipulating it. If you've a sensitivity to this, perhaps you'd notice.Book lover: Talja has visited many libraries and bookstores in her travels as she has an insatiable curiosity and a love of learning. Perhaps you've seen her pouring over an old tome or scroll.

OOC Info

Veteran Roleplayer ✧ 30+ ✧ She/Her ✧ US Central ✧ Crystal, Mateus

Hello! Thanks for taking the time to check out Talja's carrd. If you'd like to find out more, please reach out to me in game or via discord. I have been roleplaying for over fifteen years and love meeting new people and the characters and stories they create.✧✧ Notes ✧✧- Tells/Walkups: If you approach me or send a tell, please be patient as I may be afk at that moment.- In Game: I adore all facets of the game and am willing to participate in it all. My favorite things to do are RP, participate in content, make new Glams, and decorate houses.- RP Style: If I am IC, I will have the RP tag on. Otherwise, I am OOC. I adore roleplaying different forms of story such as adventures, conversations, explorations, networking, etc. While I do enjoy creating my own stories, I equally love joining others with their character's stories and development. Even though I'm open to character injury in RP, please check with me OOCly first. I will absolutely not accept character death. I tend to be a 'Mirror Roleplayer', so I can do either short or multi-paragraph posts depending on person I am roleplaying with or the context of the situation.- Always keep in mind that IC and OOC must be kept separate at all times.- Preferred Platform: In game and/or Discord. Feel free to message me on either if you would like to RP or plot!

Discord ID: Unseelie#0001